Monsoon Onset Monitoring and Its Social and Ecosystem Impact

Principle Investigators

  • Mr. Chalermrat SangmaneeDepartment of Marine and Coastal Resources
  • Dr. Weidong YuSun Yat-Sen University

Monsoon Onset Monitoring and Its Social and Ecosystem Impact

     This project was undertaken since 2008 through a scientific cooperation between the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand, and the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), in the People's Republic of China. It aims for the onset monitoring changes of the southwest monsoon, signaling the beginning of the rainy season in Thailand and Southeast Asia region  as well as the variation during the year, by using oceanographic monitoring buoys installed in the Andaman Sea.


  • To enhance capabilities on ocean observation at the regional level.
  • To study climate variability and changes.
  • To understand the oceanographic processes related to the monsoon cycle and their impacts on the marine ecosystems.
  • To develop guidelines for reducing potential risks from socio-ecological sectors.

Expected benefits

  • Basic knowledge of the monsoon cycle, coral bleaching, and coastal management.
  • Knowledge of oceanographic processes that influence changes in monsoon winds and potential effects on marine ecosystems.
  • Knowledge and information center at the regional level.